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1st Bayridge Group Meeting Minutes - 4 November 2020


In attendance (Zoom)

Mary M, Treasurer

Will M, Troop

Jennifer N, Pack

Geoff P, GC

Bill R, Quartermaster


Pat F, Colony

Rob L, Troop


Jake T, Company

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm

Section meeting status and plans


- 1 new Active Scouter to be invested (Peter C.) and 2 more are in process. Youth happy to receive their new badges and tails. 2 new youth invested.


– next 2 meetings by Zoom, then seeking outdoor meetings. School (weeknight) and Otter Lake (weekend). About 50% attendance on Zoom, but 90% in person.


– Had outdoor meeting on past weekend with 15/16 attendance. Plan to do more outdoor meetings. Excited to get to Otter Lake.

Group news

– Group badges came in. First badge went to Bill R. a founding member of 1st Bayridge. Sections have received 25 each (except Vents who Geoff needs to distribute to).

-New positional email addresses created, but not hooked up to email services yet. You can install Authenticator and change password, but will not be able to collect email. Send to section contact Scouters for eventual replacement for contact email, and in scoutstracker. Will provide a bit of personal security, and continuity as the email address can be transferred between people when they change positions. Contact Geoff if you have a problem, but you don’t need to do anything at the moment.

-Bayridge (and other 3 Groups) received some monies upon the termination of Loyalist Area. Due to an accounting issue, we discovered that the camp would not have enough operating funds, so we returned the money to our Property Account held at Council. In return, we get free camping until 31 Dec 2021 – consider it pre-paid camping.

Registration. The new Scouting year is 1 Jan-31 Dec. Spots for existing members are reserved until 15 November, and after that will be open to the public. Each section has 16 positions at present. There is nothing that can be done to “get back” a position that is taken by a member of the public starting 16 November. ***Please share this message with families, that it is important to register soonest to avoid disappointment.*** The refund policy has changed to allow for refunds until 31 Jan 2021. If finances are an issue, please contact to figure out options including payment plans. Cost is $230.

Financial report

The group is moving to Wave, so that everyone can see their balances anytime. Geoff will work with Mary to get 20/21 sorted out. Bill is working with Mary to get 19/20 closed. (We need to report by 30 Nov.)

Mary will figure out who will be signers on the account and we will bring a motion to change them for next meeting. Looking at Mary M., Bill C., and Bill R. as signers and maybe a 4th.

Quartermaster report

Still reviewing Group (shared) equipment. Please review what your section has (in general terms) so that we know what you have and where it is located.

Roundtable issues

Otter Lake (ON) has been approved to open. Estimated first day of operation is 14 November. Bookings must be done through Doubleknot. There are 2 locations to book (Mafeking and Gillispie), and 3 booking types ( ½ day morning, ½ day afternoon, and full day). More to follow.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46pm

Notes taken by Geoff Priems


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