1st Bayridge Venture-Scout Company
Boys and Girls Ages 15-17
The Venturer Scout program provides an exciting and enriching experience at one of the most important periods of development in a young person’s life. Venturer Scouts have an opportunity to enrich their Company and themselves by setting and achieving goals, measuring progress, developing in each of the SPICES and realizing their potential as members of Canadian society.
On the Canadian Path, Venturer Scouts focus on the importance of developing character. Less emphasis is placed on Company structure and authority, and more on building a team that takes advantage of the entire skill set of the group.
Venturer Scouts may muster into larger groups that provide greater social-development opportunities and allow Venturer Scouts to work together to ensure everyone reaches his or her personal summit. However, the main focus for the Venturer Scout is on personal development—a Solo Climb.
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