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7 Oct 20 - Group Committee Meeting Minutes


Meeting started at 7:10pm, once everyone joined the call.

In attendance:

Pat - Colony

Jenn - Pack

Rob - Troop

Will - Troop/Company

Jake - Company

Bill - Group Quartermaster

Geoff - Group Commissioner


Mary - Finance

Geoff: Thanks for quick action to positively advise parents of suspension of in-person program.

Colony points - Will have 1st Zoom meeting this Thurs.

Pack points - Concerned about youth engagement in Zoom calls (too long?). Looking for cool activities. Looking at doing a virtual escape room.

Troop points - The troop is pretty good at zoom. Thought there would be more time before closedown. Back to Zoom. Have a great time with online pictionary.

Company points - Next meeting plan is for day after this suspension is supposed to be over, so planning for it to be cancelled. Will use Zoom with the company to plan for events after that.

Equipment report - work in progress. Bill will canvass sections soon for gear. Mary will assist.

ACTION - Bill & Mary

Finances - no questions.

Badge - The badge presented by the Scouts was selected. Add word Scouting to the header in a straight line under the curved 1ST BAYRIDGE (and to superscript the ST). Pack will share with their youth. Committee is okay with just doing this and moving forward. Geoff asked for how many badges. Badge should be viewed as lasting about 5 years.

300 badges was settled on. We will ask LYA to fund.

ACTION - Geoff

Website - Blog - Geoff will primarily use to be transparent to everyone. Sections will use email using ScoutsTracker to ensure tracking and effective communications with families.

Facebook - appeal to submit pictures. Send email to Rob or Geoff to be made a Contributor to the page.

ACTION - Sections

Instagram - tag #1stBayridgeScouts and you will show up on Instagram!

Jackets - Group was enthusiastic about the jacket. Geoff to talk to Villager Custom Clothing regarding sizing, and availability. Discussed a Scouts Canada logo with small words 1st Bayridge inserted on white line on right chest.

ACTION - Geoff

Techsoup - Rob did introduction of what it was and offered (clearing house for donations of software to non-profits). Geoff indicated desire was for email hosting for Every Scouter and every section to get an email address. Best price is paramount. The only other major software that was needed was WIX. (We are in a two year contract, starting Sep 2020). Geoff and Rob to figure out pricing.

ACTION - Geoff & Rob

Round table concerns:

Salvation Army - Bill asked Sections if they were interested in doing a hamper for a family that is organized by Salvation Army (same thing we did last year). All 4 sections committed to doing a hamper. Bill asked to relay to Salvation Army.


Company - Jake indicated he would contact Geoff and Rob with respect to ScoutsTracker and Instagram.


Geoff - Please plug the Zoom “Welcome to Scouting“ Meeting. This is a great way to learn about Scouts for parents, and a good mechanism for them to understand what we are all about:

ACTION - Section Leads

Closing comments by Geoff - Thank you to all for time, respect the efforts put forward especially in the development of program that has had to be cancelled, and now quick turnaround to Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm

Updates 8 Oct 20:

-The jacket is not available. Out of Stock. I am trying another supplier and getting quotes for Jackets and t-shirts.

- I sent in the corrections to the badge. Awaiting new proof and costs. Confirmed with Bill that I will pay the invoice on my credit card and have LYA reimburse me directly.

- TechSoup - Rob was absolutely correct that O365 is free. We'll figure out how to get it up and running in the next while.

That's all for now, Geoff


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