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Group Meeting Agenda - 7 Oct 2020



Reminder that In Person Scouting is suspended for at least 2 weeks as of 2 Oct. (Until at least 16 Oct).

My compliments and thanks to all for adopting full use of ScoutsTracker! Events are now in the Section calendars. Reminder to update them all, especially this week and next week. All families should have been notified multiple times of the suspension of in-person Scouting.

Beaver Situation - Please report any potential issues/problems with program for the next month.

Cub Situation - Please report any potential issues/problems with program for the next month.

Scout Situation - Please report any potential issues/problems with program for the next month.

Ventures Situation -Please report any potential issues/problems with program for the next month.

Group - Reporting 53 participants, and 15 volunteers.  (43  participants indicated as planning to return).

  • 1 Beaver Scouter screening - Peter C

Treasurer's Report:

Equipment Report:

Scouter updates:

  • PRC/VSS - Peter C in progress (Colony)

  • PRC - Rob L - due 16 Nov - For renewals only:

  • Mike S-B - deployed - must do PRC and accept CoC upon return.

Group updates:

Group Badge Design.  2 options: please review with your sections and see which one is preferred. (Sales Quotation attached for cost.)

Group Webpage is active:  Please look at your section page.

We have qualified for Attached is a screenshot of various software available to us at a large discount.  Rob and I are investigating email hosting, so that each Scouter will get a email address -- including one for each section.

Like to discuss going forward and buying jackets for the Group:  Red and white at $5 each plus tax.  Put logo and/or on jacket = cheap advertising and useful gear!  Need to act a bit quickly - would need every member's sizing - fall/spring jacket. (xs-xxl)

Our Lady of Lourdes School - available for outdoor program when we get back to it.  Other locations?


Zoom “Welcome to Scouting“ Meeting Details - especially for parents

Here's another important update on registration for the coming Scouting year!

  • October 9 – Registration opens for current members for the 2021 Scouting Year

  • October 23 – Registration opens for Free Trial participants

  • October 30 – Registration opens to the general public

Yours in Scouting,


Geoffrey Priems 1st Bayridge Group Commissioner and Council Voting Representative 20/21 Scouts Canada – Voyageur Council C  613.329.5815


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