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Scout week of 2021 will not be like any other celebration. Scouts Canada is hosting a week-long event to gather youth from all over Canada virtually to celebrate the best of Scouting! All activities will be hosted in the evening.
And remember this year’s event is open to everyone! Invite your friends, invite your family, invite the neighbour’s dog! And come see what all the FUN’s about!
Sunday, February 21 – Free night!
Get some rest, the fun begins soon!
Monday, February 22 - Party!! (For all Sections)
We are hosting 2 events, Eastern time / Western Time. Celebrate our founder's birthday with some fun breakout rooms. Must bring your own pizza and party cone hat.
Tuesday, February 23 – Explore New Adventure (For Scouts and above)
We will get to tour virtually some great camps and sites around the world and hear some testimonials from youth that have attended or worked at these great sites. Helping to fuel new future Scouting adventures!
Wednesday, February 24– Skills Night (For Beavers and Cubs)
4 blocks, one for Colony and one for Pack for each Eastern time / Western Time. A series of bilingual age-appropriate breakout rooms to join to refresh / explore / discover a handful of new skills.
Thursday, February 25 – Scouters Mug Up (For Scouters ONLY)
Network with other volunteers and share ideas and opportunities for all to explore with their Sections.
Friday, February 26 – Outdoor Adventure Film Festival (For Scouts and above)
Thanks to the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival, we are bringing some curated adventure films for our youth and Scouters to enjoy on their couch. These adventure flicks and documentaries will definitely flame your passion for the outdoors. On February 26th, we will host a special Q&A about the films, with some special guests that you will recognize from the films. Sign up information will be coming shortly.
Saturday, February 27 – Scout Week Virtual Campfire (For all Sections.)
A fabulous way to end our week of festivities, we will gather online to enjoy many contributions from our members coast to coast. We guarantee no smoke in your eyes.
How do we sign up?
Families or individuals can book their spot on the pre-registration link :
Once we have our numbers, we will email the participants a link to the event to sign up for the exact sessions they wish to attend. This way they will get a personalized link to access the activity.
Sections can use the same link to let us know their intentions and expectations for the events. Do not book it for a group, Sections only. We ask you to be as precise as possible. Once we have collected the number of participants, we will send the contact Scouter identified in the pre-registration, an email with a link to send to their section. Each participant in their section will be required to register for the events they plan to attend.
Pre-registration is open now:
At what time will the events be hosted at? (May be updated. Please watch the events page)
Eastern time events will begin at 18h00 EST
Western time events will begin at 18h00 PST
KISC Event 19h30 EST
Mug Up 20h00 EST
Film Festival 19h30 EST
How can we prepare for this event?
Great question! We will be launching some new resources and activities for your section to accomplish during your virtual meetings leading up to the main event.
Make a variety of party hats.
Some cooking fun.
Paracord basics.
Making a skit for the campfire.
Making a song for the campfire.
And much more.