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Registration Update & Information


The wait is almost over — registration for current members will open Monday October 26th. We are excited and we thank you for your patience as we navigate through the many changes to our traditional process this year.It is for that reason that we want to send you this updated list of new things to consider, the impact for your parents and additional actions you may need to consider around registration.


  1. Participants registered for 2019–2020 Scouting Year have had their membership extended at no extra charge until December 31, 2020.

  2. Paid registration for the 2021 Scouting Year which starts on January 1, 2021, opens Monday, October 26th for current members.

  3. Registration opens November 9th for current Free Trial participants.

  4. Registration opens November 16th for the general public.

  5. Whether a participant from 2019–2020 is Scouting this fall or not, they are considered members and will have a two-week window of opportunity to reserve their spot with their favourite Group (as in previous years) starting Monday, October 26th.

  6. Even though registration opens on Monday October 26th, a current member does not have to act now — they can register at any time during the fall and into January 2021 — however, their spot will only be guaranteed for two weeks starting October 26th.

  7. The registration fee will remain the same as in previous years — $230 for a 12-month year of Scouting starting January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021.

  8. For each paid registration, Groups will receive $15 of the registration fee.

  9. Groups can still apply their own surcharge in the usual way and have discretion on whether to do this.

  10. The refund policy has been extended until January 31st, 2021. Anybody registering from now until January 1st, 2021 has until January 31st, 2021 to request a full refund. Anybody registering after January 1st 2021, will fall under the regular refund policy of 30-days.


  1. Group Fees: If you have not already done so, set the Group fee that you wish to take effect on October 26th. This fee will be in addition to the $15 that your Group will receive for each youth member who registers.

  2. Capacity: Please review youth member capacity for each Section in your Group. This determines the maximum number of youth who will be able to register in each Section.

PANDEMIC STAGE PROGRESSIONWe are thrilled to open registration on Monday October 26th. We are equally inspired by the progression to STAGES 3 or 4 of some of our Councils and Groups. To see what STAGE your Council is under and which Pandemic Standards you should be consulting as a result, view the map on You can also access the information in ScoutsTracker — which is free for all members since July 1, 2020.


  1. Current Pandemic Stage is clearly visible on all accounts' "Home" page.

  2. GC's can override their Group's Pandemic STAGE, if it differs from the rest of the Council.

  3. GC's can see all the AAF's for all their sections, including whether they have become obsolete due to a change in Pandemic STAGE.

Thank you again for your continued efforts to Return to Scouting. Scouting is needed now more than ever to help youth gain valuable skills that will make them better prepared for success in the future.


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